Carey’s Managing Partner and co-head of the firm’s Tax Group. His practice focuses on personal and corporate tax planning, local and international tax consulting, project financing, mergers and acquisitions and foreign investment transactions.
- He is currently vice president of the International Bar Association and has and has had the following positions: co-secretary-general, chair of the Legal Practice Division (2017-2018), member of the Management Board, member of the Council of the Legal Practice Division, chair of the Latin American Regional Forum, co-chair of the Corporate and M&A Section, member of the Advisory Board of the Law Firm Management Committee and member of the Advisory Board of the Women’s Interest Group.
- Member of the Board of Adelco, Valle Nevado and Evercrisp (Frito Lay Chile), and chairman of the Board of MetLife Chile.
- Director of Interlex.
- Member of the Chilean Bar Association.
- Chairman, World Services Group (2004-2005).
- Assistant professor of Taxation, Universidad Católica de Chile Law School (1981).
- Foreign associate, Steel, Hector & Davis, Miami (1979).
- Semi-finalist, Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, Washington D.C. (1978).
- Law, Universidad Católica de Chile.
- ICADE and Universidad de Deusto, Spain (1972-1975).
- Program of Instruction for Lawyers, Harvard University (1986).
- Named Lawyer of the Year in Investment, Best Lawyers (2021).
- Recognized as Law Firm Leader of the Year, Latin Lawyer (2020).
- Recognized in Corporate, M&A and Private Wealth (High Net Worth), Chambers Latin America.
- Recognized in Tax and Corporate and M&A, The Legal 500.
- Recognized in Tax; Corporate and M&A, Corporate Governance and Private Wealth, Latin Lawyer 250.
- Recognized in M&A, IFLR1000.
- Recognized in Thought Leaders: Firm Management and in Capital Markets – Debt and Equity, Corporate Tax – Advisory and Controversy, Private Client, M&A and Corporate Governance, Who’s Who Legal.
- Recognized in Tax; Corporate and M&A; and Investment, Best Lawyers.
- Recognized in Corporate Tax, Leaders League.
- Recognized in Corporate M&A, Top Ranked Legal.